Friday, September 25, 2009

Wk 9 - Reviewing the past 2 months, and 2 years ahead

And so the story goes, a glimmer of hope turned out for real, just when I was preparing for my journey to the East. I wished for a new environment yet not as far as 1000 km away from my hometown. RM 600 extra and promise of better chance at specialization didn't seem an attractive offer to me.
Two months later, I began to realise that this is where I'm suited to be, somewhere new yet familiar, someplace far yet within hours from home, somewhere I can be independent yet connected to family and friends.
I'm 'offered' a place at the busiest hospital in this country down south. 4 hours of bus journey would be boring at times, but I just return home once a month, so it wouldn't really matter.
I thought that my life would change drastically by my work. I thought that I wouldn't blog again. I thought that I wouldn't have time for movies, sports and social activities.
I still managed to watch 'Final Destination' with my friends, joined my colleagues for badminton game, and went out with colleagues and friends for dinner. However it took me 2 months to get back online and have time for chat and blog again.
Things do change, but once I started to adapt, I’ll regain my past life, with some adjustments. I can’t taste home cooked first class food as frequent, can’t let my fingers dance on piano bars like before, can’t keep uptodate with daily local news or EPL football, can’t sleep as long as I wish during weekends, etc. etc.
But I believe I’m here for a purpose to fulfill. Is it to polish my skills during arduous Housemanship training in the busiest hospital? Is it to speed up and perfect my clinical skills? Is it to train myself to perform at high level even when my eyes refused to open or my muscles cried to be rested? Is it basically just to treat any ill patients seeking cure? Or is it to fulfill my HO requirement of 2 years training?
Why I’m placed here of all places, I don’t know for sure. But my ultimate aim is to train well and request transfer back to my hometown after these 2 years. 2 months have already passed quickly just like the wind. 24 months will pass by just the same. I wonder how I will be like at the end of this road. The path is ridden with landmines and obstacles waiting for their prey. As I progress further down the road, I await, with bated breath, what surprise life holds for me.

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